L.F.R. Dalla, L.E. Zerpa, C.A. Koh. “A framework to improve gas hydrate management strategies in transient operations of subsea production systems,” Energy & Fuels, In press (2025). [doi: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.4c06416]
Y. Wei, J. Worley, L.E. Zerpa, Y. Chien, D. Dunn-Rankin, M.T. Kezirian, C.A. Koh. “Natural gas storage in hydrates in the presence of thermodynamic hydrate promoters: Review and experimental investigation,” Fluid Phase Equilibria, 591:114286 (2025). [doi: 10.1016/j.fluid.2024.114286]
A. Qu, L.F.R. Dalla, L.E Zerpa, T. Palermo, K. Mateen, A. Fidel-Dufour, C.A. Koh. “Comparative Study of OLGA and LedaFlow Models for Mechanistic Predictions of Hydrate Transport Dynamics,” Energies, 17(23):6101 (2024). [doi: 10.3390/en17236101]
S.N. Kannan, L.F. Dalla, L. Ugueto, S. Hatscher, E.D. Sloan, L.E. Zerpa, C.A. Koh. “Gas hydrate formation assessment in deadlegs and jumpers: A comprehensive review and field case study analysis,” Energy & Fuels, 38(20):19188-19207 (2024). [doi: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.4c02904]
H. Kazemi, L.E. Zerpa, I.O. Uzun, K. Amini, A. Kamruzzaman. “Enhanced oil recovery techniques in low permeability unconventional shale reservoirs,” First Break, 42(9):79-88 (2024). [doi: 10.3997/1365-2397.fb2024078]
A. Qu, N.A. Ismail, J.G. Delgado-Linares, A.A.A. Majid, L.E. Zerpa. “Gas hydrate plugging mechanisms during transient shut-in/restart operation in fully dispersed systems,” Fuels, 5(3):297-316 (2024). [doi: 10.3390/fuels5030017]
B.L.S. Geranutti, M. Pohl, D. Rathmaier, S. Karimi, M. Prasad, L.E. Zerpa. “Multiphysics Measurements for Detection of Gas Hydrate Formation in Undersaturated Oil Coreflooding Experiments with Seawater Injection,” Energies, 17(13):3280 (2024). [doi: 10.3390/en17133280]
A. Nassereddine, L.E. Zerpa. “On the Feasibility of Deep Geothermal Wells Using Numerical Reservoir Simulation,” Processes, 12(7), 1369 (2024). [doi: 10.3390/pr12071369]
D. Rathmaier, F. Naiim, A.C. William, D. Chakraborty, C. Conwell, M. Imhof, G.M. Holmes, L.E. Zerpa. “A reservoir modeling study for the evaluation of CO2 storage upscaling at the Decatur site in the Eastern Illinois Basin,” Energies, 17(5):1212 (2024). [doi: 10.3390/en17051212]
J.A. Ismailova, A.R. Khussainova, L.E. Zerpa, D.N. Delikesheva, A.A. Ismailov. “A new predictive thermodynamic model of paraffin formation with the calculation of the mathematical origin of the pointing correction factor,” NEWS of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 3(459):96-107 (2023). [doi: 10.32014/2023.2518-170X.302]
J.G. Delgado, M.A. Pickarts, L.E. Zerpa, C.A. Koh. “Outlook on the role of natural surfactants on emulsion stability and gas hydrate anti agglomeration in crude oil systems,” Energy & Fuels, 36(18):10732-10750 (2022). [doi: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.2c01964]
Y. Wang, B.C. Hutchinson, M.A. Pickarts, D.C. Salmin, V. Srivastava, C.A. Koh, L.E. Zerpa. “Hydrate bedding modeling in oil-dominated systems,” Fuel, 289:119901 (2021). [doi: 10.1016/j.fuel.2020.119901]
D.C. Salmin, A.A.A. Majid, J. Wells, D. Estanga, M. Rivero, D.T. Wu, L.E. Zerpa, C.A. Koh. “Study of hydrate anti-agglomerant dosage effectiveness in a high-pressure stirred autoclave equipped with particle-analysis probes,” SPE Journal, 26(3):1200-1212 (2021). [doi: 10.2118/202471-PA]
D.C. Salmin, J.G. Delgado-Linares, D.T. Wu, L.E. Zerpa. “Hydrate agglomeration in crude oil systems in which the asphaltene aggregation state is artificially modified,” SPE Journal, 26(3):1189-1199 (2021). [doi: 10.2118/204456-PA]
Y. Wang, S. Subramanian, D. Estanga, A.A.A. Majid, S. Hu, D.C. Salmin, C.A. Koh, L.E. Zerpa. “Changing the hydrate management guidelines: From bench top experiments to CSMHyK field simulations,” Energy & Fuels, 34(11):13523-13535 (2020). [doi: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.0c01055]
V. Srivastava, M.W. Eaton, C.A. Koh, L.E. Zerpa. “Quantitative framework for hydrate bedding and transient agglomeration,” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 59(27):12580-12589 (2020). [doi: 10.1021/acs.iecr.0c01763]
V. Srivastava, A.A.A. Majid, P. Warrier, G. Grasso, C.A. Koh, L.E. Zerpa. “Hydrate-bedding mechanisms in partially dispersed water/oil systems,” SPE Journal, 25(2):925-937 (2020). [doi: 10.2118/195579-PA]
W. Yang, C.A. Koh, J. White, Z. Patel, L.E. Zerpa. “Hydrate Formation Management Simulations with Anti-Agglomerants and Thermodynamic Inhibitors in a Subsea Tieback,” Fuel, 252:458-468 (2019). [doi: 10.1016/j.fuel.2019.04.146]
J. Singh, D. Croce, L.E. Zerpa, B. Partington, J. Gamboa. “Experimental Evaluation of Nozzles to Mitigate Liquid Loading in Gas Wells,” Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering, 65:248-256 (2019). [doi: 10.1016/j.jngse.2019.03.009]
J. Singh, L.E. Zerpa, B. Partington, J. Gamboa. “Effect of nozzle geometry on critical-subcritical flow transitions,” Heliyon, 5(2) (2019). [doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2019.e01273]
Y. Wang, C.A. Koh, J.A. Dapena, L.E. Zerpa. “A transient simulation model to predict hydrate formation rate in both oil- and water-dominated systems in pipelines,” Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering, 58:126-134 (2018). [doi: 10.1016/j.jngse.2018.08.010]
P. Chaudhari, L.E. Zerpa, A.K. Sum. “A correlation to quantify hydrate plugging risk in oil and gas pipelines based on hydrate transportability parameters,” Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering, 58:125-161 (2018). [doi: 10.1016/j.jngse.2018.08.008]
T.B. Charlton, M. Di Lorenzo, L.E. Zerpa, C.A. Koh, M.L. Johns, E.F. May, Z.M. Aman. “Simulating Hydrate Growth and Transport Behaviour in Gas-Dominant Flow,” Energy & Fuels, 32(2), 1012-1023 (2017). [doi: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.7b02199]
A.A.A. Majid, W. Lee, V. Srivastava, L. Chen, P. Warrier, G. Grasso, P. Vijayamohan, P. Chaudhari, E.D. Sloan, C.A. Koh, L.E. Zerpa. “Experimental Investigation of Gas-Hydrate Formation and Particle Transportability in Fully and Partially Dispersed Multiphase-Flow Systems Using a High-Pressure Flow Loop,” SPE Journal (2017). [doi: 10.2118/187952-PA]
S. Wang, Z. Huang, Y-S. Wu, P.H. Winterfeld, L.E. Zerpa. “A semi-analytical correlation of thermal-hydraulic-mechanical behavior of fractures and its application to modeling reservoir scale cold water injection problems in enhanced geothermal reservoirs,” Geothermics, 64:81-95 (2016). [doi: 10.1016/j.geothermics.2016.04.005]
B.W.E. Norris, L.E. Zerpa, C.A. Koh, M.L. Johns, E.F. May, Z.M. Aman. “Rapid Assessment of Hydrate Blockage Risk in Oil-Continuous Flowlines,” Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering, 30:284-294 (2016). [doi: 10.1016/j.jngse.2016.01.035]
Z.M. Aman, L.E. Zerpa, C.A. Koh, A.K. Sum. “Development of a Tool to Assess Hydrate-Plug-Formation Risk in Oil Dominant Pipelines,” SPE Journal (2015). [doi: 10.2118/174083-PA]
L.E. Zerpa, I. Rao, Z.M. Aman, T.J. Danielson, C.A. Koh, E.D. Sloan, A.K. Sum. “Multiphase flow modeling of gas hydrates with a simple hydrodynamic slug flow model,” Chemical Engineering Science, 99:298-304 (2013). [doi: 10.1016/j.ces.2013.06.016]
S.V. Joshi, G.A. Grasso, P.G. Lafond, I. Rao, E. Webb, L.E. Zerpa, E.D. Sloan, C.A. Koh, A.K. Sum. “Experimental flowloop investigations of gas hydrate formation in high water cut systems,” Chemical Engineering Science, 97:198-209 (2013). [doi: 10.1016/j.ces.2013.04.019]
L.E. Zerpa, E.D. Sloan, A.K. Sum, C.A. Koh. “Overview of CSMHyK: A transient hydrate formation model,” Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 98-99: 122-129 (2012). [doi: 10.1016/j.petrol.2012.08.017]
L.E. Zerpa, E.D. Sloan, C.A. Koh, A.K. Sum. “Hydrate Risk Assessment and Restart Procedure Optimization of an Offshore Well Using a Transient Hydrate Prediction Model,” SPE Oil and Gas Facilities, 1(5):49-56 (2012). [doi: 10.2118/160578-PA]
Luis E. Zerpa, Jean-Louis Salager, Carolyn A. Koh, E. Dendy Sloan, Amadeu K. Sum. “Surface Chemistry and Gas Hydrates in Flow Assurance,” Industrial Engineering Chemistry Research, 50(1): 188-197 (2011). [doi: 10.1021/ie100873k]
Enrique Carrero, Nestor V. Queipo, Salvador Pintos, Luis E. Zerpa. “Global Sensitivity Analysis of Alkali-Surfactant-Polymer Enhanced Oil Recovery Processes,” Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 58(1-2): 30-42 (2007). [doi: 10.1016/j.petrol.2006.11.007]
Luis E. Zerpa, Nestor V. Queipo, Salvador Pintos, Jean-Louis Salager. “An Optimization Methodology of Alkaline-Surfactant-Polymer Flooding Processes Using Field Scale Numerical Simulation and Multiple Surrogates,” Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 47(3-4):197-208 (2005). [doi: 10.1016/j.petrol.2005.03.002]
N. V. Queipo, L. E. Zerpa, J. Goicochea, A. J. Verde, S. Pintos, A. Zambrano. “A Model for the Integrated Optimization of Oil Production Systems,” Journal of Engineering with Computers. 19(2): 130-141 (2003). [doi: 10.1007/s00366-003-0255-1]
L.E. Zerpa, C.A. Koh. “Chapter 6: New Frontiers: Hydrates in Porous Media,” in Pore Scale Phenomena: Frontiers in Energy and Environment, Editors J. Poate, H. Kazemi, T. Illangasekare, and R. Kee. World Scientific 10:91-113 (2015). [doi: 10.1142/9789814623063_0006]
D. Rathmaier, L.E. Zerpa. “Quantifying permeability changes due to gas hydrate formation in undersaturated oil sandstone reservoirs: A numerical reservoir simulation study,” SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, September 2024, New Orleans, LA, USA. [doi: 10.2118/220713-MS]
D. Rathmaier, L.E. Zerpa. “A digital rock physics approach to modeling permeability changes with solid phase formation in reservoir porous media,” SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, September 2024, New Orleans, LA, USA. [doi: 10.2118/221027-MS]
O. Uzun, L.E. Zerpa, H. Kazemi. “Potential for enhanced oil recovery in Permian Wolfcamp and elsewhere,” Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, June 2024, Houston, TX, USA. [doi: 10.15530/urtec-2024-4044579]
L.E. Zerpa, A. Qu, C. Brock, L.F.R. Dalla, J. Delgado-Linares, C.A. Koh, E.D. Sloan. “Modeling gas hydrate formation/transportability during transient shut-down and start-up operations of oil & gas pipelines – Field and experimental insights,” 12th North American Conference on Multiphase Production, 22-24 May 2024, Banff, Canada.
L.F.R. Dalla, L.E. Zerpa, C.A. Koh. “Advanced shut-down/start-up analysis for gas hydrate prevention in subsea production systems,” Offshore Technology Conference, May 2024, Houston, TX, USA. [doi: 10.4043/35027-MS]
A.K. Siddique, O. Uzun, E.S. Alghunaim, L.E. Zerpa, H. Kazemi. “Evaluation of a wettability modifier on improving oil recovery in fractured reservoirs,” SPE Improved Oil Recovery Conference, April 2024, Tulsa, OK, USA. [doi: 10.2118/218262-MS]
A. Qu, S. Ravichandran, S. Hatscher, L. Ugueto, M. Torsvik, L.E. Zerpa, C.A. Koh. “Predicting hydrate formation and plugging in a gas condensate subsea tieback using a transient hydrate simulation tool,” SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, October 2023, San Antonio, TX, USA. [doi: 10.2118/215013-MS]
S.N. Kannan, M. Torsvik, L. Ugueto, S. Hatscher, S. Ravichandran, D. Sloan, L.E. Zerpa, C.A. Koh. “Safe and successful gas hydrate plug remediation in Vega asset – Norwegian gas condensate subsea production system,” SPE Offshore Europe Conference and Exhibition, September 2023, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK. [doi: 10.2118/215580-MS]
D. Rathmaier, L.E. Zerpa. “Potential applications of quantum computing in pore scale modeling,” 15th International Conference on Porous Media, May 2023, Edinburg, Scotland.
J.G. Delgado-Linares, W. Wang, W. Ayyad, A.A.A. Majid, M. Pohl, C. Yoda, N. Tanaka, L.E. Zerpa, M. Prasad, C.A. Koh. “Detection and assessment of asphaltene precipitation/deposition at reservoir conditions and gas hydrate formation in the presence of thermodynamic hydrate inhibitors,” Offshore Technology Conference, May 2023, Houston, TX, USA. [doi: 10.4043/32494-MS]
A. Mansour, L.E. Zerpa, J. Sampaio. “Evolution of image-matching analysis to compute downhole drilling distance for directional drilling automation,” SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, October 2022, Houston, TX, USA. [doi: 10.2118/210263-MS]
J.G. Delgado-Linares, M. Pohl, A.A.A. Majid, C. Yoda, N. Tanaka, L.E. Zerpa, M. Prasad, C.A. Koh. “Early detection and assessment of asphaltene precipitation and gas hydrate formation at field conditions,” Offshore Technology Conference, May 2022, Houston, TX, USA. [doi: 10.4043/31712-MS]
J. Ismailova, A. Abdukarimov, B. Mombekov, D. Delikesheva, L.E. Zerpa, Z. Dairov. “A comparative evaluation of thermodynamic models for prediction of wax deposition,” Abu Dhabi Int. Petroleum Exhibition & Conference (ADIPEC), Abu Dhabi, UAE (2021). [doi: doi.org/10.2118/207984-MS]
S. Rocha, L.E. Zerpa. “Evaluation of closed-loop geothermal heat extraction concepts using reservoir simulation,” GRC Transactions, Vol. 45, San Diego, CA, USA (2021).
S. Oduwole, L.E. Zerpa, M. Pohl, J. Behura, M. Prasad. “Reservoir analysis of a CO2 sequestration site: Experiment-guided field scale modeling,” First International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy (IMAGE21), Denver, CO, USA (2021). [doi: 10.1190/segam2021-3594722.1]
D. Croce, L.E. Zerpa. “Mechanistic model for the design and operation of an intermittent gas lift system for liquid loaded horizontal gas wells,” SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, September 2021, Dubai, UAE. [doi: 10.2118/205962-MS]
J.G. Delgado-Linares, A.A.A. Majid, L.E. Zerpa, C.A. Koh. “Reducing THI injection and gas hydrate agglomeration by under-inhibition of crude oil systems,” Offshore Technology Conference, August 2021, Houston, TX, USA. [doi: 10.4043/31161-MS]
D. Croce, L.E. Zerpa. “Intermittent gas lift for liquid loaded horizontal wells in tight gas shale reservoirs,” SPE Artificial Lift Conference and Exhibition – Americas, 10–12 November 2020.[doi: 10.2118/201153-MS]
D. Croce, L.E. Zerpa. “Effect of Surface Tension on Sweeping Performance of Injected Gas During Intermittent Gas Lift in Liquid Loaded Horizontal Wells,” SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition. 27–29 October 2020. [doi: 10.2118/201601-MS]
B. Geranutti, M. Pohl, S. Karimi, M. Prasad, L.E. Zerpa. “Geophysical measurements for detection of hydrate formation in coreflooding experiments with undersaturated oil and seawater injection,” SEG Annual Meeting, 12-14 October 2020. [doi: 10.1190/segam2020-3426878.1]
Z. Liu, E. Ozkan, L.E. Zerpa, X. Yin. “Molecular sieving of hydrocarbon mixture through nano-porous membranes,” Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, 12-14 October 2020, Austin, Texas, USA. [doi: 10.15530/urtec-2020-2809]
H. Qin, A. Qu, Y. Wang, L.E. Zerpa, C.A. Koh, S. Bodnar, S. Daly, T. Palermo, K. Mateen. “Predicting hydrate plugging risk in oil dominated systems using a transient hydrate film growth prediction tool,” Offshore Technology Conference, May 4-7, 2020, Houston, TX, USA. [doi: 10.4043/30545-MS]
M.A. Pickarts, D. Croce, L.E. Zerpa, C.A. Koh. “Gas hydrate formation & transportability during transient shut-in/restart conditions,” Offshore Technology Conference, May 4-7, 2020, Houston, TX, USA. [doi: 10.4043/30857-MS]
J.G. Delgado-Linares, D.C. Salmin, H. Stoner, D,T, Wu, L.E. Zerpa, C.A. Koh, K. Mateen, S. Bodnar, P. Prince, A. Teixeira. “Effect of alcohols on asphaltene-particle size and hydrate non-plugging behavior of crude oils,” Offshore Technology Conference, May 4-7, 2020, Houston, TX, USA. [doi: 10.4043/30916-MS]
T.B. Charltom, B.W.E. Norris, M.L. Johns, E.F. May, Z.M. Aman, L.E. Zerpa, C.A. Koh. “Predicting hydrate film growth on the wall from water droplet deposition in gas-dominant flowlines,” 19th International Conference on Multiphase Production Technology, June 5-7, 2019, Cannes, France. [Link]
Y. Wang, L.M. Rivero, T. Palermo, C.A. Koh, L.E. Zerpa. “Assessing Hydrate Formation in a Gas Condensante Subsea Tieback using a Transient Hydrate Simulation Tool,” Offshore Technology Conference, May 6-9, 2019, Houston, TX, USA. [doi: 10.4043/29280-MS]
D. Costa Salmin, J. Delgado-Linares, D. T. Wu, L.E. Zerpa, C.A. Koh. “Hydrate Agglomeration in Crude Oil Systems in Which the Asphaltene Aggregation State is Artificially Modified,” Offshore Technology Conference, May 6-9, 2019, Houston, TX, USA. [doi: 10.4043/29484-MS]
H. Qin, V. Srivastava, H. Wang, L.E. Zerpa, C.A. Koh. “Machine Learning Models to Predict Gas Hydrate Plugging Risks Using Flowloop and Field Data,” Offshore Technology Conference, May 6-9, 2019, Houston, TX, USA. [doi: 10.4043/29411-MS]
T.B. Charlton, S. Kegg, J.E.P. Morgan, L.E. Zerpa, C.A. Koh, E.F. May, Z.M. Aman. “Application of a Transient Deposition Model for Hydrate Management in a Subsea Gas-Condensate Tieback,” Offshore Technology Conference, May 6-9, 2019, Houston, TX, USA. [doi: 10.4043/29237-MS]
Y. Wang, C.A. Koh, L.E. Zerpa. “Studies of parameters that influence hydrate plugging tendencies in a gas condensate subsea tieback,” 11th North American Conference on Multiphase Production Technology, June 6-8, 2018, Banff, Canada. [Link]
Y. Wang, C.A. Koh, L.E. Zerpa. “Modeling Hydrate Formation Management with Anti-Agglomerant Injection in a Subsea Tieback,” Offshore Technology Conference, April 30 – May 3, 2018, Houston, TX, USA. [doi: 10.4043/28937-MS]
Z.M. Aman, H. Qin, M. Pickarts, M.D. Lorenzo, E.F. May, C.A. Koh, L.E. Zerpa. “Deposition and Shear Stress Initial Investigations for Hydrate Blockage,” Offshore Technology Conference, April 30 – May 3, 2018, Houston, TX, USA. [doi: 10.4043/28777-MS]
T.B. Charlton, L.E. Zerpa, C.A. Koh, E.F. May, Z.M. Aman. “Predicting Hydrate Blockage Formation in Gas-Dominant Systems,” Offshore Technology Conference Asia, March 20-23, 2018, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. [doi: 10.4043/28311-MS]
L.E. Zerpa, F. Gao, S. Wang. “An Analytical Solution and Numerical Modeling Study of Gas Hydrate Saturation Effects on Porosity and Permeability of Porous Media,” AGU Fall Meeting, December 11-15, 2017, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. [Link]
V. Srivastava, J.A. Dapena, T.B. Charlton, A.A.A. Majid, M.N. Khan, Y. Wang, Z.A. Aman,L.E. Zerpa, D.T. Wu, C.A. Koh. “Effect of Particle Concentration and Size Distribution on Hydrate Bedding and Plugging Mechanisms,” 9th International Conference on Gas Hydrates, June 25-30, 2017, Denver, Colorado, USA.
Z. Liu, L.E. Zerpa. “A Numerical Method to Quantify Hydrate Deposition in Subsea Gas Pipelines During Depressurization,” 9th International Conference on Gas Hydrates, June 25-30, 2017, Denver, Colorado, USA.
J.A. Dapena, E.D. Sloan, L.E. Zerpa, D.T. Wu, C.A. Koh. “Characterization of Fluid-Driven Intermittent Particle Flow at Restrictions for Early Detection of Particle Jamming in Flowlines,” 9th International Conference on Gas Hydrates, June 25-30, 2017, Denver, Colorado, USA.
Y. Wang, C.A. Koh, L.E. Zerpa. “A Transient Hydrate Formation Model that Combines Oil- and Water- Dominated Systems,” 9th International Conference on Gas Hydrates, June 25-30, 2017, Denver, Colorado, USA.
T.B. Charlton, L.E. Zerpa, C.A. Koh, M. Di Lorenzo, K.A. Kozielski, M.L. Johns, E.F. May, Z.M. Aman. “Hydrate Blockage Formation in Gas-Dominant Systems,” 9th International Conference on Gas Hydrates, June 25-30, 2017, Denver, Colorado, USA.
T.B. Charlton, A.A.A. Majid, L.E. Zerpa, M.L. Johns, E.F. May, Z.M. Aman, C.A. Koh. “Oil- and Water-Continuous Hydrate Formation Experiments in a Lab-Scale Vertical Flowloop,” 9th International Conference on Gas Hydrates, June 25-30, 2017, Denver, Colorado, USA.
J.A. Dapena, A.A.A. Majid, M.N. Khan, V. Srivastava, Y. Wang, T.B. Charlton, B. Bbosa, A. Waturuocha, M. Volk, E.D. Sloan, L.E. Zerpa, D.T. Wu, C.A. Koh. “Hydrate Slurry Characterization in the Presence of Anti-Agglomerants: Connecting High Pressure Rheometer Studies with Flowloop Tests Results,” 9th International Conference on Gas Hydrates, June 25-30, 2017, Denver, Colorado, USA.
J.A. Dapena, V. Srivastava, Y. Wang, M.N. Khan, A.A.A. Majid, T.B. Charlton, E.D. Sloan, L.E. Zerpa, D.T. Wu, C.A. Koh. “Influence of Flowloop Parameters on Hydrate Slurry Transportability Studies,” 9th International Conference on Gas Hydrates, June 25-30, 2017, Denver, Colorado, USA.
S. Ju, M. Chun, L.E. Zerpa, C.A. Koh. “Rocking Cell Tests for Hydrate Formation, Bedding and Deposition in the Presence of Anti-Agglomerants and Salts,” 9th International Conference on Gas Hydrates, June 25-30, 2017, Denver, Colorado, USA.
Z. Liu, L.E. Zerpa. “A Theoretical Model to Estimate the Mechanical Properties of Gas Hydrate Deposits on Pipeline Wall and its Implications for Deposit Sloughing,” 9th International Conference on Gas Hydrates, June 25-30, 2017, Denver, Colorado, USA.
H. Qin, A.A.A. Majid, T.B. Charlton, D.T. Wu, L.E. Zerpa, C.A. Koh. “Investigations of a Hydrate Deposition Mechanism in Multiphase Flow Conditions using a High Pressure Lab-Scale Loop,” 9th International Conference on Gas Hydrates, June 25-30, 2017, Denver, Colorado, USA.
D. Salmin, J.A. Dapena, L.E. Zerpa, D.T. Wu, J.L. Creek, D. Estanga, M. Rivero, C.A. Koh. “Investigations of Emulsion Behavior at Hydrate Onset in a High Pressure Stirred Autoclave,” 9th International Conference on Gas Hydrates, June 25-30, 2017, Denver, Colorado, USA.
V. Srivastava, M.N. Khan, T.B. Charlton, J.A. Dapena, A.A.A. Majid, Z.M. Aman, D.T. Wu, C.A. Koh, L.E. Zerpa. “Industrial-Scale Flowloop Measurements to Investigate Hydrate Growth Mechanisms in High Pressure Saline Systems,” 9th International Conference on Gas Hydrates, June 25-30, 2017, Denver, Colorado, USA.
V. Srivastava, T.B. Charlton, D.C. Salmin, J.A. Dapena, P. Warrier, Z.M. Aman, L.E. Zerpa, C.A. Koh, D.T. Wu. “Water Droplet Size Measurements and Modeling for Partially Dispersed Systems using a High Pressure Industrial-Scale Flowloop,” 9th International Conference on Gas Hydrates, June 25-30, 2017, Denver, Colorado, USA.
S. Wang, S. Hu, J. Zhao, M. Nakatsuka, V. Veedu, D.T. Wu, L.E. Zerpa, C.A. Koh. “Gas Hydrate Particle – Surface Interactions Under High Pressure & Low Temperature Conditions,” 9th International Conference on Gas Hydrates, June 25-30, 2017, Denver, Colorado, USA.
Y. Wang, C.A. Koh, L.E. Zerpa. “Numerical Transient Simulation Study of a Real Subsea Tieback System with Anti-Agglomerants Using the CSMHyK Hydrate Formation Model,” 9th International Conference on Gas Hydrates, June 25-30, 2017, Denver, Colorado, USA.
T.B. Charlton, V. Srivastava, D. Salmin, L.E. Zerpa, C.A. Koh, M.L. Johns, E.F. May, Z.M. Aman. “A Quantitative Analysis of Hydrate Agglomerate Fractal Dimensions,” 9th International Conference on Gas Hydrates, June 25-30, 2017, Denver, Colorado, USA.
N.A. Ismail, K. Keefe, A.A.A. Majid, L.E. Zerpa, C.A. Koh. “Characterization of Binary Clathrate Hydrates using DSC and Raman Spectroscopy,” 9th International Conference on Gas Hydrates, June 25-30, 2017, Denver, Colorado, USA.
J.A. Dapena, A.A. Majid, Y. Wang, T.B. Charlton, A.A. Gardner, E.D. Sloan, L.E. Zerpa, D.T. Wu, C.A. Koh. “Gas Hydrate Management Strategies Using Anti-Agglomerants: Continuous and Transient Large-Scale Flowloop Studies,” Offshore Technology Conference, May 1-4, 2017, Houston, Texas, USA. [doi: 10.4043/27621-MS]
V. Srivastava, A.A. Majid, P. Warrier, G. Grasso, P. Chaudhari, E.D. Sloan, C.A. Koh, D.T. Wu, L.E. Zerpa. “Hydrate Formation and Transportability Investigations in a High-Pressure Flowloop During Transient Shut-In/Restart Operations,” Offshore Technology Conference, May 1-4, 2017, Houston, Texas, USA. [doi: 10.4043/27849-MS]
D.C. Salmin, A.A. Majid, J. Wells, E.D. Sloan, D. Estanga, G. Kusinski, M. Rivero, J. Gomes, D.T. Wu, L.E. Zerpa, C.A. Koh. “Study of Anti-Agglomerant Low Dosage Hydrate Inhibitor Performance,” Offshore Technology Conference, May 1-4, 2017, Houston, Texas, USA. [doi: 10.4043/27911-MS]
T. Charlton, H. Qin, L.E. Zerpa, M.L. Johns, E.F. May, C.A. Koh, Z.M. Aman. “Hydrate Deposit Formation and Dissociation in Gas-Dominant Systems: Experiments and Modelling Using a High-Pressure Miniloop,” AIChE 5th International Conference on Upstream Engineering and Flow Assurance, March 27-29, 2017, Houston, Texas, USA. [Link]
T. Charlton, A.A. Majid, L.E. Zerpa, M.L. Johns, E.F. May, Z.M. Aman, C.A. Koh. “Hydrate Formation Experiments in a Lab-Scale Vertical Flowloop,” AIChE 5th International Conference on Upstream Engineering and Flow Assurance, March 27-29, 2017, Houston, Texas, USA. [Link]
M. Zhou, J.K. Cho, L.E. Zerpa, C. Augustine. “Optimization of well configuration for a sedimentary enhanced geothermal reservoir,” GRC Transactions Volume 40, October 23-26, 2016, Sacramento, California, USA. [Link]
Z. Liu, L.E. Zerpa. “Preliminary Study of Liquid Loading Problems of Gas Hydrate Wells and Selection of Artificial Lift Methods,” SPE Western Regional Meeting, May 23-26, 2016, Anchorage, Alaska, USA. [doi: 10.2118/180391-MS]
Z. Liu, L.E. Zerpa, Y. Wang. “Hydrate Problems for Gas Lift Operation for Deepwater and Arctic Wells and Best Practices for Prevention,” SPE Western Regional Meeting, May 23-26, 2016, Anchorage, Alaska, USA. [doi: 10.2118/180392-MS]
A. Abdul Majid, W. Lee, V. Srivastava, L. Chen, G.A. Grasso, P. Vijayamohan, P. Chaudhari, D. Sloan, C.A. Koh, L.E. Zerpa. “The Study of Gas Hydrate Formation and Particle Transportability Using A High Pressure Flowloop,” Offshore Technology Conference, May 2-5, 2016, Houston, TX, USA. [doi: 10.4043/27276-MS]
T. Charlton, L.E. Zerpa, C.A. Koh, E.F. May, M.L. Johns, Z.M. Aman. “Risk-Based Estimation of Hydrate Blockage Risk in Oil and Gas Flowlines,” 2016 AIChE Spring Meeting, April 10-14, 2016, Houston, TX, USA.
B.W.E. Norris, L.E. Zerpa, C.A. Koh, E.F. May, M.L. Johns, Z.M. Aman. “Hydrate Blockage Formation in Gas-Dominant Systems,” 2016 AIChE Spring Meeting, April 10-14, 2016, Houston, TX, USA.
L.E. Zerpa, J.K. Cho, C. Augustine. “Assessing the Effect of Realistic Reservoir Features on the Performance of Sedimentary Geothermal Systems,” GRC Transactions Volume 39, September 20-23, 2015, Reno, Nevada, USA. [Link]
S. Wang, Y.S. Wu, P. Winterfeld, L.E. Zerpa. “Numerical Study of the Thermal-Hydraulic-Mechanical Behavior of Fractured Geothermal Reservoirs,” Fortieth Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, January 26-28, 2015, Stanford, California, USA. [Link]
J.K. Cho, C. Augustine, L.E. Zerpa. “Validation of a Numerical Reservoir Model of Sedimentary Geothermal Systems Using Analytical Models,” Fortieth Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, January 26-28, 2015, Stanford, California, USA. [Link]
L.E. Zerpa, Z.M. Aman, I. Rao, S. Joshi, E.D. Sloan, C.A. Koh, A.K. Sum. “Development of a Comprehensive Model for Transient Hydrate Formation in Pipelines: Overview and Applications,” 8th International Conference on Gas Hydrates, July 28 – August 1, 2014, Beijing, China.
P.N. Chaudhari, C.A. Koh, E.D. Sloan, A.K. Sum, L.E. Zerpa, Z.M. Aman. “CSMHYFAST: A tool for Hydrates in Flow Assurance,” 8th International Conference on Gas Hydrates, July 28 – August 1, 2014, Beijing, China.
P.N. Chaudhari, C.A. Koh, E.D. Sloan, A.K. Sum, L.E. Zerpa. “Defining Hydrate Plugging Risk in Oil Dominated Systems,” 8th International Conference on Gas Hydrates, July 28 – August 1, 2014, Beijing, China.
G.A. Grasso, P.G. Lafond, Z.M. Aman, L.E. Zerpa, E.D. Sloan, C.A. Koh, A.K. Sum. “Hydrate Formation in Flowloop Experiments,” 8th International Conference on Gas Hydrates, July 28 – August 1, 2014, Beijing, China.
Z.M. Aman, L.E. Zerpa, G. Grasso, W.E. Leith, E.D. Sloan, A.K. Sum, C.A. Koh. “Interfacial tension and mineral adhesion properties of cyclopentane hydrate,” Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, 12 – 14 August 2013, Denver, Colorado, USA. [doi: 10.1190/URTEC2013-235]
Rao, L.E. Zerpa, E.D. Sloan, C.A. Koh, A.K. Sum. “Multiphase flow modeling of gas-water-hydrate systems,” Offshore Technology Conference, 6 – 9 May 2013, Houston, Texas, USA. [doi: 10.4043/24099-MS]
Z.M. Aman, L.E. Zerpa, G. Grasso, K. Springer, E.D. Sloan, A.K. Sum, C.A. Koh. “Modeling hydrate formation and aggregation in oil-dominated systems,” 2012 AIChE Annual Meeting, 28 October – 2 November 2012, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.
L.E. Zerpa, I. Rao, Z.M. Aman, E.D. Sloan, C.A. Koh, A.K. Sum. “Extension of a Simple Hydrodynamic Slug Flow Model for Transient Hydrate Kinetics,” 8th North American Conference on Multiphase Technology, 20 – 22 June, 2012, Banff, Canada. [Link]
L.E. Zerpa, Z.M. Aman, S. Joshi, I. Rao, E.D. Sloan, C.A. Koh, A.K. Sum. “Predicting Hydrate Blockages in Oil, Gas and Water-Dominated Systems,” Offshore Technology Conference, 30 April–3 May 2012, Houston, Texas, USA. [doi: 10.4043/23490-MS]
L.E. Zerpa, E.D. Sloan, C.A. Koh, A.K. Sum. “Hydrate Risk Assessment and Restart Procedure Optimization of an Offshore Well Using a Transient Hydrate Prediction Model,” OTC Brasil, 4-6 October 2011, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. [doi: 10.4043/22406-MS]
S. Joshi, I. Rao, L.E. Zerpa, E. Webb, P. Lafond, E.D. Sloan, A.K. Sum, C.A. Koh. “Understanding hydrate plug formation from high water cut systems with a four inch flowloop,” 7th International Conference on Gas Hydrates, 17-21 July 2011, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom. [Link]
L.E. Zerpa, E.D. Sloan, A.K. Sum, C.A. Koh. “CSMHyK transient hydrate kinetics model: a tool for generation of best practices in flow assurance,” 7th International Conference on Gas Hydrates, 17-21 July 2011, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom. [Link]
L.E. Zerpa, E.D. Sloan, A.K. Sum, C.A. Koh. “Overview of CSMHYK: a transient hydrate formation model developed over a decade of hydrate research,” 7th International Conference on Gas Hydrates, 17-21 July 2011, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom. [Link]
L.E. Zerpa, E.D. Sloan, A.K. Sum, C.A. Koh. “Generation of Best Practices in Flow Assurance Using a Transient Hydrate Kinetics Model,” Offshore Technology Conference, 2-5 May 2011, Houston, TX, USA. [doi: 10.4043/21644-MS]
L.E. Zerpa, N.V. Queipo, S. Pintos, E. Tillero, D. Alter. “An Efficient Response Surface Approach for the Optimization of ASP Flooding Processes: ASP Pilot Project LL-03 Reservoir,” 2007 SPE Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference, 15-18 April 2007. Buenos Aires, Argentina. [doi: 10.2118/107847-MS]
L.E. Zerpa, N.V. Queipo, S. Pintos, J.L. Salager. “An Optimization Methodology of Alkaline-Surfactant-Polymer Flooding Processes Using Field Scale Numerical Simulation and Multiple Surrogates,” 2004 SPE/DOE Fourteenth Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery. 17-21 April 2004. Tulsa, Oklahoma, U.S.A. [doi: 10.2118/89387-MS]
D.D Croce, L.E. Zerpa. “Systems and methods of removing stagnant liquid from a hydrocarbon well” US Patent App. 17/095,440